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Success With Srini

Jan 21, 2022

Podcast Notes:

  1. Invest in yourself. You got to be engaged in a continuous and constant pursuit for education. Also, be careful with your physical and your spiritual growth.
  2. Protect your loved ones by getting a life insurance.
  3. Credit, usually under two circumstances one is if you're buying a house, two is if you're...

Jan 20, 2022

Podcast Notes:

  • Do not do anything that is not in line with your self esteem. Otherwise, you'll be unhappy.
  • There is something unique about you.
  • There is something about you that you do that nobody else can do.
  • There is something about you that's completely undeniable.

Jan 20, 2022

Podcast Notes:

  • You got to constantly engage in a process of self actualization
  • Engage with something that makes you forget your defenses poses, shyness, gulliness of your childhood
  • Awareness is a series of choices
  • You should always listen to your voice, not your father's mother's or the society's
  • Decide to be honest,...

Jan 18, 2022